Prof. Harald Arnljot Øye

Professor Emeritus, NTNU

Professor Øye, renowned for research in metallurgy, aluminium, and silicon production; author of over 400 publications.

Professor Harald A. Øye received his M.Sci.Eng in 1958 and Dr. techn. degree in 1964 from Norwegian Institute of Technology. Associate professor 1965-1972 and Professor at Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (later Material Science and Engineering) of Norwegian Institute of Technology (later NTNU) 1973-2005. He has had several research stays in foreign countries. President of Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences 1985-1992 and currently honorary fellow. He is currently emeritus professor of NTNU. Awarded the 1997 Prize for Outstanding Research from the Research Council of Norway. Knighted by King Harald V of Norway for Technological Research in 1999. Received several other awards and is member of 7 International Academies. He has conducted fundamental and applied research on Thermodynamics, Transport Properties, Spectroscopy, Electrowinning of Aluminium and Magnesium, Production and Refining of Silicon, Material Science and Carbon Technology.

His later activities have been concentrated on Aluminium and Silicon Production. He has over 400 international publications of which about 200 are connected to aluminium production.

He has educated numerous MSc candidates and 38 PhD candidates and many of them work in the aluminium and silicon industry including the present CEO of Hydro Aluminium.

Professor Øye is Director of the International Course on Process Metallurgy of Aluminium through 33 years and has also given aluminium production and aluminium autopsy courses in aluminium smelters in about 40 countries.

He has also been the chairman of the semiannual conference “Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry 1992 – 2014. He published together with Morten Sørlie the monograph “Cathodes in Aluminium Electrolysis”,662 pages in 2010, Russian edition in 2013 and the Chinese edition in 2015.

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